Saturday, August 8, 2009

Sorry I couldn't come up with a cuter layout. I just found the first one that I thought could work. If anyone wants to change things, feel free. But in order to do that, I need your email addresses that you use for blogging. Go ahead and post them in the comments and we'll get things rolling!


Jamie Lynn said...

Trent and I are currently in a heated battle about what to do for the theme next month, I'll let you know who wins. :)

linzi said...

So once you add me I can post recipes? This is going to be pretty cool!

Unknown said...

so, hope you gals don't mind, but I started your posts for you. Just cuz I wasn't sure of any other way besides just emailing you the pictures to you... but then you'd have to upload them yourself. and I figured I'd cut out that step since I was doing it anyway. Hope I'm not stepping on any toes. So anyway, yeah, once I've invited you to be an author and you've accepted, I'll upgrade your status to admin so ya'll can change settings too. but you'll be able to add your own posts, or, for this time, just edit the ones I already started.

Linda Hart said...

I think ya'll should create a cook-book. I love these recipes and pics and hope to try them soon.
Elisa, you are incredible.